This post is so overdue! Not had access to blog for a couple of weeks - oh how I have missed thee - ish!
The pictures shown are a bit of a departure from my normal ones. The lovely people at Abel & Cole seems to be approaching a lot UK food bloggers asking us to trial their goody boxes - Not a problem! I have been meaning to order a box for a while - yes, I really do eat other things than just cake from time to time!
So, the box itself...contained LOADS more than I expected - a really good range of 'normal' fruit and veg that we would eat - This might have been luck or might have been down to the fact that I asked for 'normal' food - 6 and 3 year olds dont tend to be that adventurous when eating! Included were...Potatoes, Carrots, Spring Onions, Tomatoes, Spring Greens, Onions, Apples, Oranges and plenty more.
What did I make? Well it was Sunday, so it would have been rude not to do a roast dinner! Yum - I always thought people were having me on when they said you can tell food is organic - but there was something special about those 'spuds'!
The next day?...Salad - well it was a warm day (at least by UK standard!)

Overall opinion? Fab! It was also just lovely to have an Abel & Cole box sitting in my utility room - I honestly kept going over to it looking in - how sad!
Am I being honest? Yes, I truly wouldnt give a product a positive review if I didnt mean it.